Research (4)


With reference to two ecotourism enterprises that operate within Tambopata, Peru, this article evaluates key principles necessary to enable the successful achievement of ecotourism in a little-developed tropical forest region. In so doing it highlights the intricacies of the relationship between ecotourism, environmental conservation and local community development. Principles are identified as i) empowering communities by integrating them in an ecotourism venture; ii) exchanging knowledge between a community and tour operator; iii) managing forest resources jointly between a community and tour operator; iv) minimizing local economic leakage; v) educating tourists through interpretive programmes; and vi) minimizing environmental and wildlife disturbance. The article offers cautious optimism that the tourism enterprises are consciously helping to protect the rainforest of Tambopata, while meeting the socio-economic needs of the local communities.

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Ecotourism in Amazonian Peru

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Ecotourism can be an incentive for conservation, especially when it triggers positive economic change. Yet it introduces many changes to communities, the full range of which is seldom evaluated in direct relation to conservation at the local level. In this study, local leaders discussed changes from ecotourism in their communities. Ltd. All rights reserved.
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This briefing paper is geared towards policy-makers, the private sector and travelers to encourage collaboration in strengthening anti-poaching measures and raising awareness of these issues. his paper acts a first step towards a more systematic measurement of the economic value of the wildlife watching tourism market segment in Africa and in defining the role of the tourism sector in the fight against poaching
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From the article: This note answers the following: 1. Why is it so difficult for these ventures to get finance? 2. What are the banks saying 3. How can the government, operators, the communities, and other actors make obtaining financing easier for community JVs?
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